Write a letter, either on your own or using the enclosed sample letter, to:
The Hon. Andy Scott, Chair of the Justice and Human Rights Committee; Contact info
MPs who are Members of the Justice and Human Rights Committee; Contact info
The Hon. Martin Cauchon, Minister of Justice; Contact info
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien; Contact info
your own MP.
Don’t forget to send Egale a copy of the response so we can track where MPs stand.
Make a phone call to the above people;
Ask to meet your MP to express your support for equal marriage;
Appear as a witness before the Justice and Human Rights Committee, either representing your organization or personally. Just contact Committee Clerk Patrice Martin—his details are on the next page. You can also contact Egale for support—we’re building coalitions!
Sign and circulate Egale’s petition on equal marriage (enclosed);
Join Egale’s Adopt-an-MP program! By adopting your MP, you can stay regularly in touch to ensure he or she grows up happy, healthy and free from homophobia!
Spread the word! Copy this kit. Give it to others. Refer them to our campaign website egale.ca/equalmarriage.asp, where they can find this kit, as well as campaign updates. Add a line to your e-mail signature, saying: “I support equal marriage for same-sex couples! For more information or to show your support visit: http://egale.ca/equalmarriage.asp”.
Donate to Egale—the campaign to win equal marriage will be expensive, and we need all the support we can get! You can donate on-line at egale.ca/marriagedonation.asp, by e-mailing us at equalmarriage@egale.ca or by calling us toll-free at 1-888-204-7777.
Please get involved. The Egale office and team are here to help, and can act as an information-sharing centre. By working together we can ensure that our messages of equality and fairness are heard loud and clear.
This is an historic and unprecedented challenge. We can’t do it without you!
Sample Letter Supporting Equal Marriage
[Remember: letters to MPs don’t need a stamp]
[insert date]
Mr./Ms. John/Jane Politician, M.P.
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON

Dear Mr./Ms. Politician,
I am writing to express my support for extending equal marriage to same-sex couples. It’s the only fair thing to do.
[Note: it’s best to personalize your letter. Insert some comments about why you feel same-sex marriage is important. For example, you might say:]
To me, marriage is about love and commitment. Same-sex couples can be just as loving and committed as opposite-sex couples. They should be able to marry and to have their marriage recognized by the government.
I know that Parliament is now considering its options about how to treat same-sex couples fairly. There is only one fair option—dropping the opposite-sex restriction and letting same-sex couples get legally married.
Some people talk of setting up a new institution that is similar to marriage but called something different, like “civil union” or “registered domestic partnership”. That’s not equality, that’s segregation. If it’s not called marriage, then it isn’t marriage—it’s second class status.
Canada prides itself on treating people with respect. If same-sex couples can marry it’s not going to stop opposite-sex couples from doing so. After the dust settles, people will see it’s no big deal. Down the road I believe history will judge opponents of equal marriage in the same way it judged those who favoured segregation. I sincerely hope you will consider this before making up your mind.
Please write and let me know where you stand on this important issue.
Yours truly,
Your name
cc: The Hon. Andy Scott, PC, MP, Chair of the Justice and Human Rights Committee
The Hon. Martin Cauchon, PC, MP, Minister of Justice
The Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien, PC, MP, Prime Minister of Canada
Egale Canada