What can you do to better support 2SLGBTQI people living with dementia?  

Egale Canada’s 2SLGBTQI Identity and Dementia eModules build on the 2SLGBTQI Persons Lving With Dementia research, as well as other research and promising practices pertaining to 2SLGBTQI groups and dementia.  

Each e-module is free and takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. 

2SLGBTQI Identity and Dementia: An Introduction for Unpaid Carers  

This eModule is designed for anyone providing unpaid care or support to a 2SLGBTQI person living with dementia. 

2SLGBTQI Identity and Dementia: An Introduction for Healthcare and Social Service Professionals 

This eModule is designed for healthcare providers, social work professionals, and other support personnel specializing in the care of people living with dementia. It may also be of interest to anyone working in homecare, community care, or long-term care settings.  

To access the e-modules, please complete the form.

Each e-module is free and takes approximately 45-60 minutes to complete. Your email address will be used to send you a private link to the module of your choice and for inviting your feedback on your learning experience. Your email will not be shared or sold to third-parties or used by Egale for purposes not directly related the e-module.  

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de la santé publique du Canada

This work was funded by a Dementia Community Investment grant from the Public Health Agency of Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.