This layer depicts K.'s artwork. This first image shows an anatomically correct heart and brain, as well as two hands holding the Earth, all inside a roofed building. The second image is of a bag with a stone design, each with a written word on them that relates to care work. The bag handles say SW 1969 and the side of the bag has tree branches and green leaves.

K. Melgarrivas

"The first piece represents the baggage that home healthcare workers carry with them each day. I used sticks and stones to represent the hardships that we face and embrace, as amongst them there are gems. There is a salute to the Stonewall uprisings of 1969 and reminder for our need to be active community members to this day. The second piece presents a window into the future of home health care. One in which our combined knowledge, experience and empathy come together, bound by the collective blood, sweat and tears of a symbiotic society."