
Understanding and Combatting Mis/Dis/Malinformation

This rise in anti-2SLGBTQI and specifically anti-trans hate is directly linked to the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and malformation.

What is misinformation?

False or inaccurate information. The individual sharing the misinformation
believes it to be true.

What is disinformation?

Deliberately false information, often used for manipulation.

What is malinformation?

Information that stems from truth, but is taken out of context or exaggerated
in order to mislead or manipulate.

Coordinated anti-2SLGBTQI movements are relying on the general public’s lack of familiarity with trans and gender diverse people to disseminate harmful disinformation and malformation.

Egale Canada is creating resources to empower 2SLGBTQI organizations, advocates, activists and everyday people with the knowledge they need to adequately have educated conversations about these complex topics. Is there a topic or issue you’d like to see added below? Contact us at communications@egale.ca.

‘Egale Explains’ Resources

What is Transition?

People transition for a variety of reasons, primarily related to gender identity. Use this resource to understand what transition can include.

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What Are Puberty Blockers?

Puberty blockers can offer tremendous mental health benefits to a young person. This resource answers the question, “What exactly are puberty blockers?”

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Common Myths and Misconceptions About Trans Youth

Misinformation and disinformation feed many myths and misconceptions that people have about trans and nonbinary youth. This resource debunks a few of the biggest ones.

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School Pronoun Policies

With the rise of so-called “school pronoun policies” use the resource to understand what’s at stake when young people who are forced to choose between being outed to their families and being misgendered at school.

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Trans Women in Sport

There’s lots of misinformation in the world about trans women participating in sport. Use this resource to understand what trans-inclusive sport actually looks like.

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“Transvestigation” in Sport and How it Feeds Misogyny

Transphobia and misogyny are closely linked together and many who are swept up in this moral panic of transphobia are actually harming those who they claim to protect. One increasingly common process that proponents claim is to “protect women” is so-called “transvestigating”.

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What is Drag and What Are Drag Storytimes?

During this time of rising 2SLGBTQI-hate, much of the hate is aimed at drag artists and family-friendly drag storytimes. Use this resource to accurately explain what each of these art forms are.

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Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents

In common language, we often use the term ‘hate crime’ whenever hate occurs. However, it is important to know that ‘hate crime’ has a specific definition in criminal law. Use this resource to understand how to accurately talk about hate crime.

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Why is the UK’s Cass Review Harmful

The Cass Review is a review of the UK’s healthcare services for trans and nonbinary children and youth. The Cass Review has been widely criticized by human rights organizations. Use this resource to understand why.

Resource coming soon!

What is Detransition?

Some people undergo some form of gender transition and decide to halt or reverse the transition process. Use this resource to accurately understand what detransition is and how to de-weaponize the detransition narrative.

Resource coming soon!

Research Says…

An important tactic in combating hate is presenting facts. Egale Canada has a plethora of research to support you in combating anti-2SLGBTQI hate.

2022 Police-Reported Hate Crimes

From Statistics Canada: the number of police-reported hate crimes targeting sexual orientation continues to increase every year. 

Read this Brief

Still in Every Class, in Every School Report

Still in Every Class in Every School (Peter, Campbell & Taylor, 2021) surveyed students across Canada about their experiences with homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, harassment, mental health and sense of safety, and support at school. 

Read this Research Report

Working for Change Report

Egale Canada’s Working for Change report examines the workplace experiences, barriers to employment, and discrimination faced by Two Spirit, trans, and nonbinary people. 

Read this Research Report

Pride Unravelled Report

Egale Canada’s Pride Unravelled report tracked the number of anti-2SLGBTQI protests and instances of online hate in Canada from January-March 2023. 

Read this Research Report

Other Resources

Valuable resources from other organizations.

Expelling Transphobia

A handbook of strategies to address transphobic attacks in the B.C. school system.

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