
Together we can create safe and inclusive schools for 2SLGBTQI students.

Egale Canada’s national report, Still In Every Class in Every School, shows that 2SLGBTQI students continue to face homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia at school. This reality in our schools is in addition to the undeniable rise in anti-2SLGBTQI hate that we are seeing across Canada and around the world. 

This is why it’s more important than ever that we all come together to create safe and inclusive schools for 2SLGBTQI students.

Egale has a comprehensive suite of Inclusive Schools resources specifically tailored for all members of our school communities including teachers, students, administrators, and parents/guardians. Our resources include curriculum-aligned toolkits with videos, classroom materials, and discussion questions, downloadable school posters, educational webinars, training sessions, and more.