PHAC Suicide and its Prevention Final Report, October 2021
Olivier Ferlatte, PhD, École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal and Centre de recherche en santé publique
Maxim Gaudette, MA, École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal and Centre de recherche en santé publique
Celeste Pang, MA, PhD(c), Senior Research Officer, Egale Canada
Report Roadmap
Section I provides an overview of literature on 2SLGBTQI people and suicide and suicide prevention. The inclusion criteria comprised primary empirical studies and systematic reviews studies published in English or French between 2009 and 2020. Ultimately, 29 studies conducted in Canada articles and 11 international systematic review and meta-analysis were analyzed to complete the literature review and identify gaps and opportunities to stimulate suicide prevention research for 2SLGBTQI people in Canada.
Section II describes the process of expert consultation that was undertaken to share our interpretation of the state of the literature, and to seek additional perspectives. The section “maps” key differences and similarities identified regarding research gaps and future directions for research and knowledge translation between these experts, and what was found in the published literature.
Section III highlights the five key recommendations for future directions in research and knowledge translation with, by, and for SLGBTQI communities in Canada on suicide and its prevention.