Legal Advocacy

Legal advocacy is how we ensure the research, education, and awareness work we do is lasting. Our legal advocacy work helps to make explicit that 2SLGBTQI experiences are reflected in policy at all levels of government and beyond.

2SLGBTQI Sport Leagues and Clubs in Canada

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Queering Digital Tools Against Hate

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2SLGBTQI Advocacy Communications Toolkit

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York Region District School Board v. Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario

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Cours en ligne « Bien vieillir et bien vivre »

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Aging and Living Well eCourse

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How Do We Talk About It? A Guide For Having Difficult Conversations

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Egale Explains: Trans Women in Sport

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Egale Explains: School Pronoun Policies

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Research Highlights: An Egale Webinar Series

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Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. New Brunswick

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Inclusive Narratives: A Messaging Guide for 2SLGBTQI Advocacy

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Brief on Police-Reported Hate Crime Statistics in Canada, 2022

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How Do We Talk About It? Anti-2SLGBTQI Hate Conversation Guides

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