2SLGBTQI & Affirming Faith Workbooks
Resources to increase understanding of affirming faith from a 2SLGBTQI context
Nearly two-thirds of people living in Canada reported having a religious affiliation. Even among Canadians who do not report being affiliated with a particular religion, 1 in 16 feel that spiritual beliefs are important in shaping how they live their lives. Among the people living in Canada who belong to a faith community, many also identify as 2SLGBTQI. And yet, the voices and experiences of 2SLGBTQI people of faith remain largely under-heard, under-valued, and marginalized by both religious and 2SLGBTQI communities today.
These Affirming Faith Workbooks offer foundational concepts, guiding principles, and promising practices to support anyone seeking to create more inclusive programming and services. It aims to provide readers with foundational knowledge on Canada’s major faith groups, considerations for supporting 2SLGBTQI people of faith, and strategies for creating respectful and tolerant workplaces and community spaces.
Affirming Faith: General Introduction
Specific Faith Workbooks
Affirming Faith: Indigenous
Affirming Faith: Christianity
Affirming Faith: Hinduism
Affirming Faith: Islam
Affirming Faith: Judaism
Affirming Faith: Sikhism
The Building Bridges project works to increase the understanding of anti-racism, Indigenization and faith in Canada from a 2SLGBTQI context to foster dialogue between historically diverse groups and 2SLGBTQI serving organizations to work toward the elimination of racism, prejudice and discrimination in Canada.
Learn more about additional 2SLGBTQI intersectional resources
This Building Bridges Workbook was collaboratively created initiative by Egale Canada and Rainbow Faith and Freedom
This initiative was funded through Heritage Canada’s Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program (CSMARI)