Draw-the-Line Postcard. The text reads:"A friend confides in you that his new girlfriend is trans. Do you support him? Would you want friends to tell you who you’re allowed to date? So, why are some guys made to feel uncomfortable about dating or hooking up with trans girls?"

Would you want friends to tell you who you’re allowed to date? So, why are some guys made to feel uncomfortable about dating or hooking up with trans girls?

The Draw-the-Line – Against Transphobic Violence postcards provide accessible, scenario-based approaches to discussions around preventing and intervening in instances of transphobic and sexual violence, and the roles that we can all play as bystanders.  The full text of the card is written below.

Societal Norms

A friend confides in you that his new girlfriend is trans. Do you support him?

Would you want friends to tell you who you’re allowed to date? So, why are some guys made to feel uncomfortable about dating or hooking up with trans girls?


There’s nothing wrong with dating trans people, but peer pressure and stereotyping can make some guys feel uncomfortable about their interest in trans women. Many keep their relationships secret which can put their girlfriends at risk of violence. Challenging transphobia makes safer and more inclusive communities for everyone.


Whenever friends or family confide in us, we need to find ways of showing them our ongoing support.


Show your support: Tell him you’re always there for him and that you’re happy he’s dating someone he cares about.

Remind him: Share with him the importance of not “outing” his girlfriend as being trans without receiving her permission every time he’d like to tell someone.

Stay connected: Ask to be introduced to his girlfriend – and try to stay in touch.


If you’re in a relationship that your partner is keeping secret, reach out for help. Visit draw-the-line.ca.

Be an ally to trans women and their partners by challenging transphobia and other forms of violence. Visit dtl.egale.ca.

Sexual violence is everyone’s problem. Break the silence. Speak out against it. Spread the word.

Find out more at draw-the-line.ca.