As Canada’s population ages, experts expect to see an increase in the number of people living with dementia. Recognizing the gap in current understandings of living and/or caring within the intersections of LGBTQI2S identities and dementia, in 2020 Egale Canada and the National Institute on Ageing at Ryerson University teamed up to conduct national research into the experiences of 2SLGBTQI people living with dementia, and primary unpaid caregivers of 2SLGBTQI people living with dementia.
Funded by a Public Health Agency of Canada Dementia Community Investment grant, this research is the first phase of a multi-year project seeking to increase awareness and improve supports for 2SLGBTQI people living with dementia and their caregivers across Canada.
This package of guiding literature and resources was originally shared with ad-hoc advisory committee members, co-facilitators, and focus group participants in order to provide an overview of academic literature on LGBTQI2S aging and dementia and to share the researcher’s ideas guiding the research. It is informed by critical disability studies, feminist care ethics, and methodology founded on appreciative inquiry.