Tuesday, May 17, 2016
PARIS — Egale is speaking today at the UNESCO’s International Ministerial Meeting: Education Sector Responses to Violence based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression in Paris, sharing internal research and practices with world-leaders from 60 countries in a high-level effort to make education systems around the world more LGBTQ-inclusive. The attending leaders will be discussing strategies of bolstering resistance to gender identity-based discrimination in education systems across the two-day conference, and Egale is present to represent the needs of Canadians and to offer its own evidence-based research in the field.
Egale’s presence at these talks engender its increasing role on the global stage providing expertise to other nations to assist in improving LGBTQ inclusivity within their institutions. Egale’s work has been internationally recognized as best practice in the field of LGBTQ policymaking, most recently demonstrated in Montenegro with Egale’s central involvement in its government’s tabling of 14 pro-LGBTQ equal rights programs last week.
In 2011, Egale published a study that found shockingly high instances of homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Canadian schools, and has since dedicated much of its efforts and resources to researching and improving LGBTQ-inclusivity in educational institutions in Canada and abroad. Egale is eager to share its findings with the world in the name of improving LGBTQ rights for all.