our logo
EQUAL. BOLD. INSPIRING. Our logo is an integral part of our brand and our symbol to the world. Our word mark integrates the equal sign to reinforce Egale’s strong equal rights advocacy. When we present ourselves consistently, effectively and professionally, our voice will be heard more effectively. Logo Elements – Egale Equal “E” – Wordmark
our tag line
equal not other
The foundation of Egale’s work – and the English translation of the word égale – are in the very first word. This tagline emphasizes and prioritizes equality and equity while rejecting the concept of otherness and action of treating everyone with equal respect, dignity and rights.
why the change?
Born from a vision of a Canada, and a world, where everyone has equal rights, Egale has long been known as a leading voice for LGBTQI2S people on the legal stage. Although this is still a huge part of what drives our organization, we have grown a lot over the last 30 years. Today at Egale, we strive to create real and sustainable impacts through Research, Education, Awareness, and Legal Advocacy. Inclusion is about more than legislation, it’s about shifting our culture and changing hearts and minds. With the growing landscape of our work, and the impacts we make, we felt it was time to revitalize our organization’s identity to reflect more closely all the areas we work in – while also paying tribute to the foundation that we drew our successes from.
We couldn’t be more excited about the direction our organization is growing and we are thankful to all of you who have, and continue to, support the work we do.
our history
Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere (EGALE) founded by Les McAfee, to advocate for increased rights and recognition and to combat discrimination.
Egan v. Canada: With Egale’s intervention, The Supreme Court of Canada found for the first time that human rights based on sexual orientation are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Ammendment to the Canadian Humans Rights Act adding sexual orientation as a ground for discrimination.
Egale Canada Human Rights Trust is launched and becomes Canada’s national LGBTQI2S charity
Vriend’s case: Supreme Court decision requiring that all Canadian provinces and territories prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.
With Egale’s help, Marc Hall wins rights to Jean-Paul Dumond to Oshawa Catholic High school prom.
Halpern v. Canada: with Egale’s intervention, the Supreme Court of Canada finds the commonlaw definition of marriage violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Michael Leshner and Michael Stark become the first married same sex couple in Canada.
Civil Marriage Act receives royal assent, recognizing equal marriage across Canada.
Egale publishes findings of our first national climate survey on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in Canadian secondary schools.
Egale Youth OUTReach, offering individual counselling, homelessness and suicide crisis services for LGBTQI2S youth up to age 29.
Egale announces the creation of Egale Centre, Canada’s first dedicated LGBTQI2S youth transitional housing service.
Egale’s Just Society Committee submits The Grossly Indecent Report to the Government of Canada requesting an apology and reparations for the criminal persecution, job loss, ineligibility for pension, and dishonourable discharge from the military. following decriminalization in Canada
Bill C-16 is passed, adding gender expression and gender identity as protected grounds to the Canadian Human Rights Act and also to the Criminal Code.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers an historic apology on behalf of the Government of Canada for years of state-sponsored, systemic oppression and rejection targeting LGBTQ2 public servants and military personnel.
Egale announces it will undertake the second national climate survey on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in Canadian secondary schools.
Egale releases the IDENTITY Report following our inaugural national conference, IDENTITY: Canadian Perspectives on LGBTQI2S Inclusion, to bring together the many perspectives on the state of inclusion for our community and chart a path forward together.
Egale launches Speak OUT, a national survey to understand the unique experiences of LGBTQI2S youth with dating violence.
Egale launches a new organization called Friends of Ruby, to oversee its established direct services for youth, including the former Egale Centre and Egale Youth OUTreach
Egale launches a brand refresh that more closely reflects our people and the communities we serve.