Egale’s Executive Director, Helen Kennedy and Danielle Bottineau, LGBTQ Liaison Officer for the Toronto Police Service discussed the #HearOurStory campaign with Frankie Flowers on Breakfast Television this past Monday.
While it is fantastic to have equal marriage in Canada, the issues are not over. We hope you are inspired by our campaign, which highlights some of the very real problems and situations faced every day by LGBTQ Canadians, even in 2014… and why we are here at Egale. We hope that you will help us to help Canada and the world by creating a safe and accepting place free of discrimination, oppression and bias – so we can all live, “as people” as Frankie says!
Please take a moment to watch this short clip, and visit today so we can continue the hard work that is required in advancing issues of equality, and freedom for all Canadians.