B’nai Brith
Canadian AIDS Society
Chinese Canadian National Council
Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere (EGALE)
National Association of Women and the Law
National Capital Alliance on Race Relations
Details of Press Conference:
Date:Friday, June 16, 1995
Time:10:30 a.m.
Place:Charles Lynch Press Theatre
Room 130-S, Centre Block
House of Commons
For further information:
John Fisher, EGALE: (613) 230-1043
Reuben Freedman, B’nai Brith : (613) 789-4922
Russell Armstrong, Canadian AIDS Society: (613) 230-3580
Melina Young, Chinese Canadian National Council: (613) 238-7648
Dan Ryan, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples: (613) 238-3511
Lisa Addario, National Association of Women and the Law: (613) 241-7570
Anne Clarke, National Capital Alliance on Race Relations: (613) 565-6645
Laurie Beachall, Council of Canadians with Disabilities: (204) 947-0303