News Release
Egale Canada along with New Brunswick-based 2SLGBTQI organizations Alter Acadie, Chroma NB, and Imprint Youth.
October 19, 2023
FREDERICTON (October 19, 2023) – Today, Egale Canada, along with New Brunswick-based 2SLGBTQI organizations Alter Acadie, Chroma NB, and Imprint Youth, filed a motion to intervene in The Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. New Brunswick. The case is a legal challenge to the government of New Brunswick’s changes to Policy 713.
These organizations have a direct interest in the case because they serve and advocate for gender diverse youth in New Brunswick and across Canada. All young people deserve to be safe and free from discrimination at school. In fact, this is protected by sections 7 and 15 of the Charter. The changes to Policy 713 violate these constitutional protections for gender diverse students in New Brunswick.
Egale Canada, Alter Acadie, Chroma NB and Imprint Youth have applied to intervene as parties with the following goals:
- To represent the interests of gender diverse young people under the age of 16 who are directly affected by the outcome of this case;
- To introduce evidence about the effects of the changes to Policy 713 on gender diverse young people;
- To make legal arguments on how the changes to Policy 713 unreasonably or unjustifiably limit gender diverse young people’s Charter rights.
The organizations are represented by Adam Goldenberg and a team of lawyers from McCarthy Tétrault LLP and by Bennett Jensen, Director of Legal at Egale Canada.
“All students deserve to feel included at school and to learn in an environment that is affirming and safe. Instead of targeting some of the most vulnerable students in the province, the government should be working to make sure that every student feels supported and is given the chance to succeed.” – Amber Chisholm, Board Member at Imprint Youth NB
“The evidence shows that affirming school environments are critical for the well-being of gender diverse youth. The sad reality is that not all 2SLGBTQI youth are safe to comeout at home. Placing restrictions on who and when students are affirmed at school is cruel and unnecessary.” – Alex Ash, Executive Director of Chroma NB
“Our priority as an organization is making sure that 2SGLBTQI residents of New Brunswick enjoy equal respect, rights, and opportunities. The revisions to Policy 713 discriminate against gender diverse young people in our province and cannot stand.” – Alex Arseneau, Executive Director of Alter Acadie
“The government has sided with the voices of anti-2SLGBTQI activists over those of school staff, students, and parents in New Brunswick. We are proud to represent the interests of the young people most affected by the government of New Brunswick’s shameful changes to Policy 713.” – Helen Kennedy, Executive Director of Egale Canada
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Representatives from Egale Canada are available for further comment on this matter. To schedule an interview please email: