Angus Reid, June 199655% of Canadians agree with the statement “Partners of homosexual employees should be entitled to the same spousal benefits as an employer provides to the partners of heterosexual employees.” Only 40% were opposed to this statement.
“Same-sex marriages gaining favour”, Calgary Herald, June 7, 1996, p.A9, citing Angus Reid poll, June 1996For the first time support for same-sex marriage was greater than the opposition. 49% of respondents indicated support for same-sex marriage; 47% were opposed. Support had risen substantially since the previous poll; support for same-sex benefits short of marriage is greater still.
Environics poll of 1,001 respondents, July/August 199450% of Ontarians want the Government of Ontario to reintroduce legislation to accord same-sex relationships equal benefits as opposite-sex relationships; 47% did not want the legislation re-introduced.
Angus Reid poll of 1,508 Canadians, May/June 199454% of Canadians support legislation to permit same-sex couples to receive same-sex spousal benefits, compared with 41% opposed.
Gallup poll of 1,014 Canadians, April 199449% of Canadians favour according same-sex couples the same rights as opposite-sex couples; 44% are opposed. 64% of respondents aged 18 to 29 support extending same-sex benefits, compared with only 26% of respondents aged 65 and over.
Environics poll of 1,000 respondents, March/April 199455% of Ontario residents agreed that same-sex couples should have the same pension, survivor and employee benefits as heterosexual couples; 39% disagreed.
SOM/La Presse poll of 1,002 respondents, November 199373% of Quebecers support extending equal benefits to same-sex couples.
78% of women support extending benefits, compared with 66% of men. Over 80% of respondents aged 18 to 34 support extending benefits to same-sex couples; 45% of respondents aged 65 and over support extending benefits to same-sex couples.