Time: 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Place: University of Winnipeg
Room 2M72, 515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 2E9
Guest Speaker: Catherine G. Taylor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Rhetoric, Writing & Communications and Faculty of Education
University of Winnipeg
Biography for Catherine Taylor:
Catherine Taylor is an Associate Professor in the Bachelor of Education Program and Centre for Academic Writing at The University of Winnipeg. She specializes in critical education as an approach to community-building and empowering students who are marginalized within the school system. She combines her B.Ed. and writing interests by teaching at the Winnipeg Education Centre, where inner city residents study to become teachers in the inner city. She completed her PhD in Critical Pedagogy and Cultural Studies at the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. She has chapters in a number of books including Resiliency and Capacity Building in Inner-City Learning Communities, Addressing Homophobia and Heterosexism on College Campuses, and Inside the Academy and Out: Lesbian/Gay/Queer Studies and Social Action which she co-edited with Janice Ristock. She is coauthor of Writing and Reading across the Curriculum, a textbook used in many Canadian university writing courses. She has articles in the journals Ethnologies, Atlantis, and the Journal of Intercultural Studies. Her current research in partnership with Nine Circles Community Health Centre involves a needs assessment of members of the transgender and Two Spirit community of Manitoba.
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