WHAT:Student and youth organizations call for equality
in the world we will inherit

WHO:Katheryn Waters, Canadian Federation of Students, & York Univ.
Laura Katherine Miller, Ontario Young Liberals
Ashley Morton, Engineer, & President of U of T Student Council
Denise Hammond, Ryerson University Student Admin. Council

WHEN:Thursday, Sept. 11th 2:00pm

WHERE:International Student Centre (Univ of Toronto campus)
33 St. George Street (north of College)
Cumberland Room

As colleges and universities across this country begin a new year, students are becoming engaged in one of the most important political debates about Canada’s future. “The same-sex marriage debate is profoundly about the future Canadian young people will be inheriting. The youth of today feel strongly about equality and human rights. The vast majority of youth don’t believe it’s an issue if you’re gay,” said Ashley Morton, an engineering student at the University of Toronto and President of the Student Administrative Council.


“I’m overwhelmed by the support and interest for same-sex marriage at York University. I have never seen a political issue invigorate so many students. Everyone we speak to on campuses across the country is enthusiastic”, said Katheryn Waters, of the Canadian Federation of Students.


“In the last month, we have only heard from one side of the same-sex marriage issue, now you are going to hear from the future of Canada,”


Youth of all stripes (including young Liberals) are coming together for equality. This is Canada’s test of human rights.
Students and youth across this country will be forming a united effort to make sure this legislation passes, and will be working with Canadians for Equal Marriage, the national same-sex marriage campaign.


For more information:
Ashley Morton, 416-471-9815 (cell)
Katheryn Waters, 416-736-5324 (York Student Union); 416-665-6079 (home)
Bob Gallagher, Canadians for Equal Marriage (Toronto), 416-456-4043 cell, 416-972-7581
Alex Munter, Canadians for Equal Marriage (Ottawa), 613-580-2474 (o), 613-592-6993 (h)