Response from Bennett Jensen, Director of Legal at Egale Canada and co-legal counsel for UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity

April 9, 2024

All young people deserve to be celebrated and included for who they are. However, we are now at a new low in our country where certain provincial leaders are joining forces to play a dangerous political game with the lives of gender diverse youth. These governments are pursuing policies that rely on misinformation, violate the guidance of experts, and cause irreparable harm to young people. 

We will respond to the Government of Alberta’s motion to intervene once we receive and review it. However, we remind both governments that the policy measures legislated by the Government of Saskatchewan were found to cause irreparable harm to gender diverse youth by the Saskatchewan Court of King’s Bench. The lives and dignity of young people are at stake. We urge these governments to prioritize the best interests of children and youth rather than their own political aims.

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Representatives from Egale Canada are available for further comment on this matter. To schedule an interview please email: