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Ontario Education Leader Summits
Knowledge Sharing and Discussions with Ontario’s Principals, Vice-Principals and Superintendent
Calling all school principals, vice-principals and superintendents!
Egale Canada is hosting in-person Ontario Education Leader Summits to hold collaborative conversations about school- and board-wide solutions, scenarios, and educational opportunities for advancing 2SLGBTQI school inclusion in Ontario.
The summits are designed to be highly informative, engaging, and interactive. Each summit is a three-hour event that places a strong emphasis on knowledge sharing and round table discussions.
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Ottawa & Eastern Ontario
Public Schools Summit
When: January 17, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET
Where: Lord Elgin Hotel
100 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON
Cost: Free

Ottawa & Eastern Ontario
Catholic Schools Summit
When: January 18, 2024
Time: 9:00 to 12:00 pm ET
Where: Lord Elgin Hotel
100 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON
Cost: Free
Agenda of the Summits
Each summit will follow the below outline:
Opening Conversation
Introduce participants on Egale Canada’s work as a leader in the educational space during 2023:
- Egale’s Back-to-School campaign
- Work in Saskatchewan and New Brunswick
- Educational leader tour in Calgary and Vancouver
Discussion of Emerging Trends
Participants will be guided through conversation on emerging education system trends such as:
- empowering educators to create inclusive spaces;
- messaging and proactive measures with caregivers;
- and the value of being an affirming adult to youth.
Recommend Practices and Next Steps
The end of the summits will include recommended practices for senior educational leaders that will leave participants feeling supported and with tangible next steps to be inclusive leaders.
What Happens After the Summits?
The feedback gathered from these summits will used by Egale Canada to create education and resources to better support educators in building inclusive schools.
The Ontario Education Leader Summits are supported by the Ontario Ministry of Education.