This Trans Awareness Week (November 13-19), with the rise in anti-2SLGBTQI and anti-trans hate, it’s more important than ever to take time to celebrate trans, nonbinary, Two Spirit, and genderfluid people and communities. It is also an important time to raise awareness about the violence and discrimination that continue to impact trans people in Canada and around the world.
Trans Awareness Week concludes with Trans Day of Remembrance on November 20, a day to honour the lives taken due to anti-trans violence.
This year especially we’ve seen an exponential and emboldened rise in anti-trans hate in Canada. From protests against 2SLGBTQI youth rights to legislation endangering the safety of trans youth, now more than ever, it is important to learn and act in allyship to fight against discrimination, violence, and adversity that continues to impact trans and nonbinary people.
Egale Canada is proud to partner with White Ribbon on their new campaign Short Life Stories.
It can take years for a transgender person to begin their true life. Due to the rising tide of hate, violence, and transphobia, trans people are facing the threat of their lives being made even shorter. In White Ribbon’s latest campaign, Short Life Stories, we follow a young woman as she embraces the beginning of her new life as openly trans and navigates the challenges that ensue.
Learn more at whiteribbon.ca/shortlifestories
Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. New Brunswick
Egale Canada and New Brunswick-based 2SLGBTQI organizations Alter Acadie, Chroma NB, and Imprint Youth have filed a motion to intervene in The Canadian Civil Liberties Association v. New Brunswick. The case is a legal challenge to the government of New Brunswick’s changes to Policy 713.
These organizations have a direct interest in the case because they serve and advocate for gender diverse youth in New Brunswick and across Canada. All young people deserve to be safe and free from discrimination at school. In fact, this is protected by sections 7 and 15 of the Charter. The changes to Policy 713 violate these constitutional protections for gender diverse students in New Brunswick.
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity v. Government of Saskatchewan et al.
On October 20, the Saskatchewan legislature passed Bill 137 (the so-called “Parental Bill of Rights”) into law forcing young gender diverse people to be outed to their parents in order to have their correct names and pronouns used at school. The legislation uses the “notwithstanding clause” of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to allow it to violate children’ s Charter rights to life, liberty, security of the person, and equality. This is a dark moment in Canadian history. We will remember this as the first time that an elected government has used the notwithstanding clause to limit the rights of children and young people as well as the first time that an elected government has done so with respect to 2SLGBTQI people.
Healthcare access experiences and needs among LBQ women, trans, and nonbinary people in Canada: A research report
A national research report that explores the experiences of women, trans, and nonbinary people who are lesbian, bi+, or queer in accessing healthcare and what they would like to prioritize in terms of health and healthcare access. The report contains recommendations on how and what different sectors can do to address these priorities.
Still In Every Class In Every School
This report explores the state of homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in Canadian secondary schools and compares how student experiences have changed or continue to remain the same as the results from the previous climate survey conducted over a decade ago. The findings indicate that while there have been many improvements, there is still a long way to go in creating safer and more accepting schools for 2SLGBTQI youth.
We Will Win: Guide to Campaign Messaging in Support of Trans Youth
In collaboration with LeBlanc (& co.) Communications, Momentum Canada, and The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, we offer this guide to those involved in advocating for trans youth. In light of the rising hate against trans communities, use this guide as a resource for effective and persuasive writing, key messaging, and examples of showcasing evidence-based frameworks.
This guide was written in the Canadian context to support organizing against the legislative trend of provincial governments rolling back the rights of trans youth, particularly through so-called ‘disclosure and notification policies’ around gender and pronouns. This guide is also applicable for broader campaigns on trans youth and trans rights.
Use the following resources to aid in your own acts of allyship within your respective contexts.
For parents
- What to do when a 2SLGBTQI youth comes out to you
- Affirming and Inclusive Language
- Genderbread Person: Components of Human Identity / Composantes de l’identité humaine
- Supporting Your Gender Diverse Child
- Pronoun Usage Guide
- 2SLGBTQI Terms and Concepts
- Termes et concepts 2SLGBTQI
- Grammaire de genre neutre et langage inclusif
- Tips on how to practice 2SLGBTQI Allyship
- Des conseils sur la manière d’agir en allié 2SLGBTQI
- What you need to know about Conversion Therapy
- Free Affirming Adults Webinar
For Teachers/Coaches
- Preparing Students for the Transition of a Trans or Gender Diverse Peer
- Préparer les élèves à la transition d’un.e camarade de classe transgenre ou de genre divers
- 2SLGBTQI Sports Inclusion: Playbook to breaking down barriers
- Draw-The-Line — Against Transphobic Violence in Schools
- Genderbread Person: Components of Human Identity / Composantes de l’identité humaine
- Pronoun Usage Guide
- 2SLGBTQI Terms and Concepts
- Termes et concepts 2SLGBTQI
- Grammaire de genre neutre et langage inclusif
- Toilet Training: The basics of making your washrooms inclusive for everyone
- Four Step Guides to : Supporting 2SLGBTQI Students | Empowerment for 2SLGBTQI Students | Anti-2SLGBTQI Hate in Schools
- Inclusive School Posters
- 2SLGBTQI Days of Significance Calendar
- Free Webinars – Upcoming topics: Affirming Adults in the School Community | Trans and Nonbinary Youth | Draw the Line Against Transphobic Violence
For Workplaces
- The 50-30 Challenge: Your Diversity Advantage
- Genderbread Person: Components of Human Identity / Composantes de l’identité humaine
- Pronoun Usage Guide
- 2SLGBTQI Terms and Concepts
- Termes et concepts 2SLGBTQI
- Affirming and Inclusive Language
- Grammaire de genre neutre et langage inclusif
- Tips on how to practice 2SLGBTQI Allyship
- Des conseils sur la manière d’agir en allié 2SLGBTQI
- 2SLGBTQI Days of Significance Calendar
- Toilet Training: The basics of making your washrooms inclusive for everyone
- Workplace Inclusion Training