October 1, 2021 is International Day for Older Persons, a day to celebrate the older 2SLGBTQI people in our lives and highlight key issues that continue to impact them.

The theme of the 2021 commemoration of International Day of Older Persons, known in Canada as National Seniors Day, is “Digital Equity for All Ages.” Below are a list of digital resources and community connections specifically for older 2SLGBTQI people.

Watch our LIVE Rainbow Table episode on Oct 1 at
12 PM ET!
 Click here to join the conversation!

Rainbow Table is a virtual space where 2SLGBTQI seniors and allies can connect during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. This space provides a platform to engage in important and relevant topics that impact our communities. With exciting guest speakers and useful resources, Rainbow Table strives to give 2SLGBTQI seniors and allies a space that is truly their own, and acts as a go-to for support, resources, and community engagement; in areas like health, legal rights, activities, and more!

Rainbow Table Facebook Page
Rainbow Table Webpage

Celebrate International Day for Older Persons this Friday, October 1 at 12 PM ET by joining our Rainbow Table episode! Host Deb Pearce chats with special guests as we discuss pertinent issues facing older 2SLGBTQI persons! We’ll also look back at the many insights our community have shared with us over the course of the web series.

Resources & Reports

Stay Connected
Tips to video chat with the LGBTQI2S older person in your life

LGBTQI2S people living with dementia and their unpaid caregivers across Canada
A Package of Guiding Literature and Resources

It’s Got to be about Safety
Public Services that Work for LGBTQ2+ Older Adults and LGBTQ2+ Workers in Canada 

2SLGBTQI Communities and Groups

Alzheimer Society of Toronto 2SLGBTQI Support Group

Rainbow Table Facebook Group

Queer Seniors of Saskatchewan

Gay and Grey Membership

Rainbow Elders Calgary

Elderberries Committee

Pour Que Viellir Soit Gai 

Resources and Partner Organizations to Check Out!


National Institute for the Care of the Elderly is an international network of researchers, practitioners, and students dedicated to improving the care of older adults, both in Canada and abroad.


Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse is a National non-profit organization providing information to raise awareness of abuse and neglect in later life. 


The National Institute on Ageing is Canada’s only think tank dedicated to policy solutions for an ageing population, working at the intersections of healthcare, financial security, and social well-being.


CanAge works to improve the lives of older adults through advocacy, policy, and community engagement.

Fondation Emergence 

Fondation Emergence works to educate, inform
and sensitize the population to the lived experiences of people within a broad range of sexual orientations