Aging and Living Well: Beyond Health Considerations for 2SLGBTQI Older Adults.
Please note, registration closed Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
Share your perspectives about what “aging and living well” looks like, and could look like, for 2SLGBTQI communities in Canada and how our communities could be better supported to continue to live in community. We want to hear from you about your experiences, ideas, and directions for social support and policy change.
By asking about “aging and living well”, this national interview-based project seeks to expand understandings of aging in 2SLGBTQI communities beyond health alone and to open conversations about how 2SLGBTQI older adults can be better supported to continue to live in community. This focus means that we seek to increase understanding and recognition of the wide range of material considerations (such as housing, finances, etc.) and distinct experiences that characterize aging and living well for 2SLGBTQI older adults.
The study involves semi-structured interviews with 2SLGBTQI older adults over the age of 65 living across Canada. We aim to conduct interviews with 25-40 participants.
We invite interview participants who:
- Identify* as Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and/or intersex;
- Are 65 years of age or older
- Live in Canada
- Have access to internet or a phone
- Can participate in English or French
- Are capable to provide consent
* Or anyone who identifies as a sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, sex characteristics (SOGIESC) minority
We especially welcome the participation of 2SLGBTQI older adults who are Black, Indigenous, and people of colour, and who live in rural areas.
We thank everyone for their interest in participating in this study. Please be aware that not everyone who expresses interest will be selected to participate: the research team will select participants to reflect a range of subject positions and identifications among 2SLGBTQI older adults across Canada, and our selection process will prioritize including at least two-thirds of participants from within these groups.
Interviews will be conducted from April to June 2021.
If you are selected and volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked to do the following:
- Complete a Recruitment Form to indicate interest in participation;
- Participate in a 15-20 minute Introductory Meeting with a member of the research team over telephone, or using Tauria (an online video conferencing platform). In this meeting we will determine your eligibility for the study, seek informed consent, and ask some basic demographic questions.
- Participate in a 1hour interview with a member of the research team.
As a sign of appreciation, each participant selected will receive a $50 Amazon e-gift card.
The results of this research will be used to help inform educational efforts and awareness campaigns, and inform programming and policy recommendations to better meet the needs of 2SLGBTQI older adults.
All engagement will take place over email, telephone, or using Tauria, an online video conferencing service. Only the interview will be audio recorded to ensure an accurate transcript of the conversation. With your permission, anonymous quotations may be used in publications and/or presentations.
This research study is being conducted by Celeste Pang, MA, PhD (candidate), Senior Research Officer, 2SLGBTQI Health, Aging, and Housing at Egale Canada, with Shirin Gerami, MA, PhD (candidate), Research Associate at Egale Canada. If you have any questions about the study, including the recruitment form, or have any concerns, please contact the research team at, Celeste Pang at or Shirin Gerami at
This project has been reviewed and approved by the Community Research Ethics Board. If you feel you have not been treated according to the descriptions in our information, or your rights as a participant in research have been violated during the course of this project, you may contact the Chair, Community Research Ethics Board, at: Community Research Ethics Office (Canada) Corp. c/o Centre for Community Based Research, 190 Westmount Road North, Waterloo ON N2L 3G5; Email: Telephone: 1-888-411- 2736.
If you need technical assistance, please email the research team at or call and leave a message at 4169466759 or toll free 1.888.204.7777 x6759. Please state your phone number in your message. We will get back to you. You may also express your interest by leaving a message for the research team (Celeste Pang or Shirin Gerami) at this phone number.
This research study is funded by the Slaight Family Foundation.