Fabulous entertainment from Boylesque and Billy Newton Davis!
Mystery boxes with incredible gifts!
Special remarks from a surprise guest!
Presentation of the 2011 Egale Canada Leadership Award!

Award recipient: The Honourable Louise Arbour
Gold Sponsor: United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Canada

Friday, September 23, 2011
Reception: 6:00 p.m.
Dinner: 7:00 p.m.
Attire: Fasionable
Ritz Carlton Hotel, 181 Wellington Street West, Toronto
Tax receipts will be issued for a portion of the ticket price (ticket price less the advantage amount). Purchase your tickets below, or call 416-964-7887 ext. 22 or email RSVP@egale.ca.
Ticket Order Form

I’d like to purchase tables of 10 at $3,000/table, for a total of $
I’d like to purchase tickets at $225/ticket for a total of $
I’d like to make a donation in the amount of $ to support this crucial equality work.

Your Name and Address
Name *
Address *
City *
Province * British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia Newfoundland and Labrador Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut Outside Canada
Postal Code *
State / Country
E-mail *
Phone *

Method of Payment
Please choose one of the following methods of payment:

Credit Card
American ExpressCredit card number:

Expiry date: (mm/yy)


(a signature is only required if you print and send this form through regular mail)

Personal Cheque
Personal ChequePlease mail your cheque to:

Egale Canada
185 Carlton St.
Toronto ON M5A 2K7
Call: 888-204-7777

Seating request (if any), names of people at your table (if known), and additional notes:

To order tickets over the phone, and for more information: 416-964-7887 ext. 22