Are you an intersex person interested in sharing your experiences in an effort to improve quality of life for intersex people? We are looking for people to share their experiences in Needs Assessment Interviews and for members to join our Community Advisory Committee!
Injustices Faced by Intersex People in Canada
In Canada, intersex people are often subjected to non-consensual and unnecessary medical interventions which usually occur in infancy or childhood.
About the Project
Welcome to the Online Intersex Community Hub, a project that aims to improve the quality of life for intersex people in Canada through the creation of an online support space for the intersex community and online training modules for medical professionals.
Share your Voice!
Interested in informing an online space for intersex people and awareness training for medical professionals?
Participants can be active in one of two ways:
- We are looking for people to take part in our Needs Assessment Interviews.
- We are looking for members to join our Community Advisory Committee.
Needs Assessment Interviews
To participate in the Needs Assessment interviews, you must be:
- Intersex
- 18 years of age or older
- Currently residing in Canada
- Able to access to a computer or smart phone, or ability to call in via telephone using a toll-free number
- Capable of providing consent
- Able to participate in English or French
We are looking for 10-15 people to participate in Needs Assessment Interviews, expected to take approximately 1 hour to complete. Interviewees will be asked about their opinions and experiences pertaining to accessing resources and medical care.
Participation in these interviews will be scheduled between late-October 2022 and mid-November 2022.
Needs assessment interview participants will receive a $200 honorarium for their time.
If you are interested in participating in our Needs Assessment Interviews, please email our Intersex Community Engagement Officer, Katie Garrett at kgarrett@egale.ca. [Registration closed]
Community Advisory Committee
To participate in the Community Advisory Committee, you must be:
- Intersex or a Stakeholder/Involved with the intersex community
- 18 years of age or older
- Residing in Canada
- Able to have access to a computer or smart phone
- Capable of providing consent
- Able to participate in English or French
We are looking for 5-7 people to be on the Community Advisory Committee to provide input on the content of the intersex online space and the online training module for Canadian medical professionals on intersex human rights and psychosocial wellbeing in the healthcare system.
Participation on the committee will span from January 2023- March 2024, with a total time commitment of approximately 15 hrs.
Community advisory committee members will receive a $450 honorarium for their time.
For more information, please email our Intersex Community Engagement Officer, Katie Garrett at kgarrett@egale.ca. [Registration closed]
If you have any questions about the project or would like to get updates, please email us at intersexhub@egale.ca.

This work follows Egale Canada’s Fix Hearts, Not Parts awareness campaign and our recent factum to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice highlighting the human rights violations which disproportionately infringe on the bodily autonomy of intersex people. Egale’s work is meant to encouraging others to take an active stance to end non-consensual surgeries performed on intersex people in Canada. The Intersex Peer Support Network is being crafted to fill a need for an online resource curated by intersex people, for intersex people.
Resources and Research
The Status of Intersex Rights in Canada: Input for the High Commissioner Report Pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution 55/14 oncombatting Discrimination, Violence, and Harmful Practices Against Intersex Persons
Restoring Epistemic Justice to a Dismissed Population: A Qualitative Needs Assessment by and for Intersexualized Adults in Canada
Application at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice re: Intersex Human Rights case
Intersex Rights In Canada – Literature Review
65 Reasons: The Rights of Intersex People in Canada