The preliminary results of the Speak OUT survey will be used to help inform the Speak OUT Hackathon in late January/ early February 2021. A final report will be released following the Hackathon event. To learn more or get involved visit the Speak OUT Hackathon page.

Egale is conducting a national survey about the personal experiences of LGBTQI2S youth (14-24) with dating violence, healthy relationships, and support services.

We invite you to share or participate in the Speak OUT national survey on LGBTQI2S youth dating violence –  The survey is open to all self-identifying LGBTQI2S youth ages 14 to 24 and takes 20-30 minutes.

The survey is anonymous and voluntary.

The results of this survey will help inform policy decisions, programming options to combat gender based violence, and will provide insight to our understanding of the unique contexts in which LGBTQI2S youth experience dating violence.

Should you have questions or concerns, contact the research team at, or contact Principal Investigator, Ley Fraser at, or the Research Supervisor Dr. Tracey Peter, Department of Sociology and Criminology, University of Manitoba, at 204-474-9416 or

Concerns about the project may also be directed to the University of Manitoba’s Human Ethics Coordinator at 204-474-7122, or by e-mail at